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Feeling weary?

Are you feeling weary and worn down by all the events of 2020? Even broken-hearted and angry at so much evil and injustice? Can I remind you that while the world is groaning with the effects of sin, and it should break our hearts, we can also be encouraged that Gods kingdom is growing and thriving and we get to be part of that!!

This weariness will not define us or destroy us, but God can use it to redirect us to Himself and calm our souls.

I think it would be hugely beneficial to ask ourselves, with all the voices we are hearing, are they transforming us more than God Is? Because if thats true, we have a problem. I know that I have often gotten stuck here becuause of the power of the scroll, I read more and more and sink lower and lower.

In a world that is so loud, more than ever, we need to daily step away and rest In Christ, letting Him nourish and feed us before and after anyone else does.

Is there anything sweeter than knowing your creator wants you? He wants to communicate and calm you. And the more that you are in His soul breathing word, the more you can’t wait to go back.

When Jesus felt weary and tired, where did He go and what did He do? He went and prayed and remembered Gods words (Luke 5:16)

An incredible thing happens when we read Gods word, it calms us, rebukes us, and encourages us away from our fears, our worries and from being overwhelmed by reminding us WHO our incredible Shepherd is! We will walk away refreshed and light hearted, with hope, wisdom and direction.

But what do we walk into after our rest? Do we grab our phones again and look at the latest updates?

What if instead, we took action on the calling God has given us and find tangible ways to avoid the weariness and discouragement that comes from the world? Yes please!

>>Jesus said we are to Love the Lord our God with all of our hearts & to love our neighbor. Matthew 22:37) As well as to make disciples, teaching them the saving gospel of Jesus Christ! (Math 28) (there is such joy in this!)

>> also, we are called to continue meeting with and serving the body of Christ (Hebrews 10:25), this is so important for our growth and encouragement!

The world will distract and discourage us from this, but I have found a few things to be extremely beneficial that I hope can spur you onto good works and away from weariness.

>>Getting involved in your church, serving and also being part of your church community,

Our ladies group at church started a beach day, once a week to stay connected and encourage one another and it’s been wonderful!

>>Pray For wisdom how you can share the gospel and disciple younger believers - your family first and others second. I have found 100% of the time He brings someone along and direction.

Discipling is truly one of the biggest gifts God has given me. To see fellow believers faith grow, grows mine! It leaves me speechless and in awe of the transforming work of our good Shepherd and always equals joy!

As Christ followers, our weariness may come from the world, but our peace comes from Him alone and resting in God and serving Him is a delight to our souls.

His will was never for 2020 to take us down, but to strengthen and equip us to run the race He has called us to!

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬


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