I get asked a lot for book recommendations that we use with our kids to encourage their growth in Christ! I made a list you can find in one place!
They are great gifts too!

But I would be wrong not to say this first:
As easy as it could be to read our kids books, send our kids to church, homeschool or send them to a Christian school, they will not be Christ-followers without their parents living out a Christ-like walk… in our relationships, in conflict, in trials, in the every day, do we show them how to live out Gods word?
Discipling our children takes more than just good books and instructional videos. It means knowing what God’s word means so that we can take our kids from drinking milk to eating solid food. Far too many kids are bible illiterate, not able to explain what a verse means in context and do not understand the gospel outside of, asking Jesus into their hearts (which isn’t even biblical).
We won’t do it perfectly, but we can commit to faithfully disciplining our kids with the wisdom and help of God; trusting and praying that the Holy Spirit does the transformational work, bringing them to a knowledge of their sin and the grace and love Jesus showed gave them at the cross.
This list is full of authors who accurately explain the entirety of scripture and don’t cherry-pick verses to suit their opinions.
They rightly explain the gospel from genesis through revelation, including an understanding of sin and the rescue we have been freely given in Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross.
Ok here you go! Enjoy!
Resources For Any Age Child 2+
Goes without saying: The Bible to Memorize scripture!
We do this every night as they lay in bed and try to incorporate the verses & their meaning throughout the day. (links to age specific Bibles below)
Catechisms - Short and I do mean short, questions and answers aimed at helping them better understand God, humanity, sin, and salvation (We do this at bedtime). They are so cheap you can buy a few for around the house and in the car.
Foundations Book - 12 biblical truths to shape a family. We use as a family devo at dinner, it leads to such intentional conversations!

Answers in Genesis, Creation.com, both of these sites have magazines you can order. They are full of evidence of God as creator as well as dispelling evolution, the big bang etc. Much on climate change and a right biblical worldview.
Younger Kids 4-12
Seeds family worship is great to listen to in the car, at home, at bedtime (we really do alot at bedtime!)
THE OLOGY - an incredible resource! All our boys (aged 4-15 enjoyed it and re read again and again! The Ology will give a solid foundation of transformative biblical truth that will point them to the God who loves them and gave himself for them. (the music cd it comes with is also very good)
The Biggest Story Bible Storybook
We did use the very popular Jesus Storybook Bible but felt it missed out on explaining sin and the gospel so this is a great alternative -
Sammy sheep - this was my little kid's absolute favourite story, we read it so many times. Each chapter of Sammy and His Shepherd is an exploration of a passage from Psalm 23. As they work through the book, children will grow in their understanding of the metaphors the psalmist used in composing this beloved poem. But more importantly, they will gain a deeper appreciation for the one who is the subject of the psalm: the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
Pilgrims’ Progress for kids - there are so many versions but these two are very well done for littles!
RC Sproul Books - I cannot say enough about these books. A solid gospel message throughout in a memorable way for kids to hear. Search RC Sproul kids books
God made boys and girls - sad we even have to read this to our kids, but needed in the world we live in, it is a super good book to talk to your kids about the gift of gender
Older Kids 13+
We have loved this Bible for our older boys! Really helps them understand the meaning and application of living out Gods word.
Big truths for young hearts - our favourite older kids devotional that can be read over and over, it teaches them exactly who God is and why we are here, no fluff but easy to understand - good morning read
An older kids' version of Pilgrims Progress, I have such precious memories reading to the boys as they fell asleep (aged 8+ I think)
The Trail Blazer series of missionary biographies, I believe it's vital to read stories of faithful men and women as it grows our trust in God, less fear, easier to give up our comforts for the sake of the gospel. These biographies follow the trailblazer’s journey to faith, and on to the work that God had planned for them. With lots of dialogue, these engaging stories show how God uses normal individuals to bring about his purpose.
I LOVED this book!!! Short stories of those who worked tirelessly to defend, write and help preserve the Bible. Absolutely inspiring (Joel Beeks is a great source)
(The two above books can also be purchased at reformation heritage books (US) or in Canada reformed book services)
Josh McDowell's book chasing love is phenomenal. The love that the world tells us to pursue is all about self, about following your heart’s desires. But what is the Christian worldview on love? This book nails it and is helping our boys understand a biblical view of love and relationships
Right Now Media has a ton of great resources to teach your kids, (most churches have an account so ask your pastor) BUT they also have a ton of really non biblically solid teachings so you do have to weed through it. I know I am on a Josh Mcdowell kick, but he truly has a gift to teach young people! And on right now media he has a whole series of questions and answers, they are about 2-5 minutes each, perfect for short attention spans but packed with detail.
Parenting Resources:
There are so many parenting books out there it's overwhelming! But the best books we have read have been the ones that aren’t focused on psychology, but rather books that explain what the Bible says to parents, they are refreshing and give us a better understanding of God’s word about our role as parents.
Paul Tripp - I can't say enough about this book or his marriage one (what did you expect) They are life-changing.
Tedd Trip, Paul's brother wrote this, it was the first parenting book I read and greatly impacted how I speak and handle discipline in our house.
Todd Friel - This is a book I keep beside my bed and reference a whole lot, He explains ours and our children's sinful natures and how to biblically deal with our kids peacefully, in love and without yelling!
I learned SO much about teenagers from this! It is a tad more psychological but it helps to explain the teenage brain and is incredibly accurate and helpful. It even explains why boys don’t get as moody as girls!
Ok That is all my friends!! Enjoy these and enjoy spending the time reading them with your kids!
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God’s word is his instruction manual for us