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INTENTIONAL HOME - the bedroom

I have loved to design and decorate since I was a little girl. From drawing floor plans for my dream home to painting my bedroom bright RED as a teenager. I've always wanted to make my space a reflection of who I am.

Note: My goal here is not to make consumers out of you, but to encourage you to think different and better about your home!

I love a perfect pinterest picture, I really do. I have boards that prove I do, and they offer great inspiration. But they also offer an equal opportunity to become disatisfied with what we have been given and most often leads to journey the road of ungratefulness rather than gratitude.

Which leads me to this white house we call home that I sadly have really struggled being content with. If you haven't figured it out yet, being content has been a journey for me... a journey that God has been absolutely incredibly faithful to help me on. And you bet I'm gonna share that here! The house we live in is truly great though, but it isn't the dream house pinterest tells me I could have. And that's ok. We have a warm home and I am so grateful for that!!

“Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions. - Luke 12:15”

I have struggled being content and always wanted to move. Constantly looking at real estate listings and even going to see homes that I thought were a possibility. And then we recently found out those good ol mortgage rules changed for business owners and now we have to wait a couple of years to buy another house. As soon as we found this out a peace washed over me, I was annoyed for sure, but I didn't hold onto that, which is a miracle for me and all glory to God for the work he has done in my heart! I am so Thankful to Jesus for constantly showing me that he is so much sweeter than anything this world had to offer.

The House I've Always Wanted

So with the house journey in the rearview mirror I began to really think about what to do with this house we have now. I've always done the best I could with this place, but I've also decorated with a more copy and paste style from pinterest. I wanted to be more intentional with how I decorate. This picture below is one of the first things I put up to be intentional about this bedroom of ours. THANKFUL I mean of course Tara!! I am thankful for Kevin, but I need to be reminded how thankful I am for our marriage every day! This room isn't perfect, mostly because I can't yet afford Restoration Hardwares linen Duvet cover haha! But it's beautiful because I put my heart into it and used what I had and could afford. The bed was a deep wooden stain but I chalk painted it white. Actually I put one coat on and it's obvious. The bedding was once loved but now it is old and I just dropped a RED bottle of nail polish all over my side of the bed! (thank you throw pillows for hiding it, and Kevin didn't think throw pillows had a use - HA!) The pink pillows are also something I love, I have four boys, and I often forget I'm even a girl. So much blue! I never wanted to decorate the house in pink but Kevin was sweet and supportive for the bedroom being a little more feminine. They are my inspiration for when I can finish the rest of the bed! And I am ok that it isn't entirely on trend, we have a warm bed so that's a gift enough. Perspective is everything.

"I never want my house to become my idol, I want my house to reflect whom I worship because it will if we want it to or not."

I also put this picture up that I bought from the thrift store. The ocean has always been such a place of healing for me, not to mention all the analogies I could throw at you;-) And every single time I look at it, I am reminded how small I am, and how big God is. That he is bigger than the waves that try to knock me down - He created the ocean and 'when I pass through the waters, He will be with me' (Isaiah 43:2)

I want our home to be a home that's full of love and radiates the hope that we have, or humor! Who doesn't need to laugh? That doesn't mean posting scripture on every wall, but it does mean I'll probably put up a few more intentional pieces of art work instead of a random photo that fits the decor but not the heart behind the decorator. And it doesn't have to be a new purchase! There are soo many free printables if you want words or images. Or ask your kids to write out an inspirational saying! My boys did that and it's such a treasure to look at everyday. My encouragement to you is to look around your home and see if there isn't one thing you can change to better reflect who you are. Or better put, Who’s you are. A simple reminder that will turn your face upwards.

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